June 20, 2016

BNP Level in the Emergency Department: Does it Change Management?

BNP (Brain Natriuretic Peptide) is a commonly used biomarker for detecting heart failure in the emergency department. It’s levels can be affected by various extraneous factors such as obesity and renal failure. This article reviews the potential uses of BNP, including its pros and cons, in the emergency department.

BNP Level in the Emergency Department: Does it Change Management? Read More »

Nausea and Vomiting in Pregnancy: EM management

The pregnant patient with nausea and vomiting is something most providers want to avoid. A wide range of conditions can cause these symptoms in the pregnant patient, and these conditions can range from the benign morning sickness to life-threatening preeclampsia and acute fatty liver of pregnancy. What can you do to manage these patients while diagnosing severe disease?

Nausea and Vomiting in Pregnancy: EM management Read More »

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