Author: Vivian Lau, DO // Editor: Alex Koyfman, MD (@EMHighAK)
General Info/Intro
- Localized inflammation to epiglottis, base of tongue, lingual tonsils, vallecula, aryepiglottic fold, and arytenoids
- Incidence rate 1-1.6/100,000, more common than peds cases after Hib vaccine implemented
- Ratio of peds:adults 0.4:1
- Mortality rate ~7%
- Causes:
- Infectious (bacterial, viral, fungal) most common, thermal (inhalation, caustic), trauma
- Bugs: Haemophilus, Strep, Staph, HSV, CMV
- Male predominance 2.5:1
- Mean age: 30-50yo
- No seasonal variance
Recap Basics
- Typically with 1-2 day URI prodrome
- Complaints: Sore throat/odynophagia (most common), dysphagia, dysphonia, muffled voice, stridor, drooling, +/- fever, tender hyoid region
- Complications: epiglottic abscess, airway compromise
- Work-up
- Direct (flexible laryngoscopy) / indirect visualization
- Imaging
- Thumb sign and vallecula sign on lateral soft tissue XR
- CT soft tissue neck
- US: alphabet “P” sign
- Blood cultures
- Throat cultures (if possible)
- Treatment
- IV antibiotics
- 3rd gen cephalosporins, ampicillins, vancomycin if concerned for MRSA
- Airway support
- Orotracheal/nasotracheal intubation, surgical airway
- needle jet insufflation as temporizing
- Abscess drainage
- Humidified oxygen
- Bronchodilators may be supportive
- Corticosteroids are controversial
- IV antibiotics
- Disposition
- Admit to a monitored bed (typically ICU)
- ENT consult
Bottom Line/Pearls & Pitfalls
- IV antibiotics early
- Be prepared to intubate, early if in severe distress
- Have a backup airway plan (video laryngoscopy, surgical airway)
Further Reading
- Woods CR. (2013). Epiglottitis (supraglottitis). UpToDate.
- Adult Epiglottitis Update
Discussion Questions/Future Exploration
- When to intubate? Patients in severe respiratory distress
- Corticosteroids and bronchodilators are controversial, no randomized control trials to date
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