Category Name: In the Literature

In the Literature

Post-Intubation Complications in ED Setting

We are masters of the airway, often managing life-threatening scenarios and conditions. However, the patient who decompensates around the time of intubation, or directly after the procedure, can be frightening. What can you do to mimize these events?

In the Literature

Headache Management: Best Current Evidence for the ED

Every provider has their own twist on the standard "headache cocktail", but what is the evidence behind the individual medications for headache management? What about treating headaches in the pregnant or pediatric patient? This post seeks to answer these questions and more.

In the Literature

Blood cultures: when do they make a meaningful impact on clinical care?

Bacteremia affects 200,000 patients per year, with the potential of causing significant mortality. Blood cultures are considered the most sensitive method for detecting bacteremia and are commonly obtained in patients with fever, chills, leukocytosis, focal infections, sepsis, or suspected endocarditis. However, what is the literature behind obtaining cultures in the ED?