- Mar 9th, 2016
- Matthew Streitz
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Category Name: In the Literature
- Mar 6th, 2016
- Erik Hofmann
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- Mar 3rd, 2016
- Adrianna Levesque
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It is essential for Emergency Physicians to know the standard of care for sexually transmitted infection (STI) treatments, as patients often present to Emergency Departments for evaluation and treatment shortly after exposure to these diseases. The Emergency Department provides patients with rapid screening, diagnosis, treatment regimens, and access to outpatient follow up.
- Feb 19th, 2016
- Jamie Santistevan
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- Feb 17th, 2016
- Jamie Santistevan
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What if you could identify a patient with complete coronary vessel occlusion almost immediately after it occurs, before the ST segments begin to elevate? What if you could pick up the very subtle, early MI? We know that early recognition and intervention improves outcomes in patients with coronary a...
- Feb 13th, 2016
- Brit Long
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- Feb 4th, 2016
- Justin Bright
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An 82 year-old man with a history of dyslipidemia, hypertension, and CAD s/p stenting was driving home from the grocery store when he experienced sudden vision loss in his right eye around 2:30 pm. He has no previous history of vision problems and is puzzled but eventually concerned. By the time he ...
- Feb 2nd, 2016
- Brit Long
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