emDOCs Podcast – Episode 64: Epiglottitis
- Oct 18th, 2022
- Brit Long
- categories:
Today on the emDOCs cast with Brit Long, MD (@long_brit), we cover epiglottitis.
Episode 64: Epiglottitis
- Steadily increasing with an incidence of 1/100,000 to 4/100,000 in the U.S. in adults
- Pediatric incidence has decreased to 0.5/100,000
- Previously more common in unvaccinated children, but now more common in adults
- Life-threatening infection of epiglottis
- Occurs via direct invasion of the epithelial layer by the organism or by bacteremia
- Bacteremia more commonly associated with pediatric epiglottitis, though does not correlate to the severity of infection
- Edema and inflammatory cell accumulation in the potential space between the epiglottic cartilage and epithelial layer, resulting in swelling of the epiglottis and supraglottic structures
- Occurs via direct invasion of the epithelial layer by the organism or by bacteremia
- Often bacterial though can occur via viral or fungal infection, foreign body ingestion, thermal injury, lymphoproliferative disease or graft-versus-host disease, chronic granulomatous diseases, and caustic ingestions.
- Often polymicrobial, and predominant bacteria include:
- Streptococcus pyogenes (group A strep), Staphylococcus aureus (MSSA, MRSA)
- Pseudomonas aeruginosa should be considered in immunocompromised patients
- Adult and pediatric patients often differ in presentation.
- Pediatric patients present more common with a sudden decompensation, evidence of respiratory distress/tripod position
- Adult patients present with:
- 90-100% with odynophagia
- 85% with dysphagia
- 74% with voice changes
- Tripod positioning less common in adults due to larger airway caliber, occurring in less than 50% of adult patients
- Voice change
- Retractions
- Rapid onset of symptoms within 12-24 hours is a harbinger of severe disease, though adults usually present in subacute fashion
- 90% of patients with epiglottitis with have a normal oropharyngeal exam
- Fever in 26-90%
- Muffled voiced in 50-65%
- Difficulty handling secretions 50-80%
- Cervical lymphadenopathy
- Severe pain with palpation of the external larynx or hyoid bone
- Direct visualization of the epiglottis with nebulized lidocaine
- Clinician should face the patient and places the Macintosh blade onto patient’s tongue.
- Ask patient to speak in a high-pitched tone, raising the supraglottic structures several centimeters for potential visualization
Laboratory analysis:
- Limited utility since clinical diagnosis:
- Cultures
- Blood: 0-17% yield
- Throat: 10-33% yield
- Epiglottis: 75% yield
- Dehydration due to odynophagia may be present, resulting in renal injury, electrolyte abnormalities
- Cultures
- Upright lateral neck radiograph
- Thumbprint sign: epiglottic swelling with a sensitivity of 89.2% and specificity of 92.2%
- Vallecula sign: normal deep linear air space from the base of the tongue to the epiglottis is shallow or absent
- Epiglottic width greater than 6.3 mm demonstrates has a sensitivity of 75.8% and a specificity of 97.8%.
- False negative rate of 31.9% so negative radiograph does not rule out diagnosis
- Computed Tomography (CT) with contrast of the neck
- Requires patient to lay supine
- May aggravate impending airway occlusion
- Sensitivity of 88-100% and specificity of 97-96%
- Can show:
- Effusion
- Obliteration of surrounding fat planes
- Thickening of false vocal cords
- Retropharyngeal enhancement and edema
- Epiglottic abscess: Associated with a high likelihood of requiring airway
- Requires patient to lay supine
- Point of care ultrasound
- Allows for evaluation in position of comfort
- Increased anteroposterior diameter of the midpoint and lateral epiglottis associated with epiglottitis
- Alphabet P sign is also suggestive of epiglottitis
- hypoechogenicity on a longitudinal view at the thyrohyoid membrane level
- Direct visualization of epiglottis confirms diagnosis—set up for therapeutic intervention simultaneously
- Position of optimal patient comfort is key
- Airway management
- Intubation with flexible intubating endoscopy is the method of choice
- Intubation occurs in epiglottitis patients in 13.2% of cases
- Video laryngoscopy is used less commonly but is also an option
- Do not use supraglottic devices; may not seat well and may cause airway occlusion
- Factors associated with increased likelihood of intubation:
- Historical factors: Diabetes mellitus, subjective dyspnea, rapid symptom progression over 12-24 hours, stridor,
- Objective measures: 20 breaths per minute with subjective complaint of dyspnea required visualization of the airway, while a respiratory rate greater than 30 breaths per minute, hypercarbia (PCO2 greater than 45 mm Hg)
- Antibiotics:
- Ceftriaxone 2g intravenous (IV) or ampicillin-sulbactam 3g IV with vancomycin 20 mg/kg IV for methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) coverage
- Severe penicillin allergy: levofloxacin 750 mg IV
- Immunocompromised: cefepime 2g IV is recommended for P. aeruginosa coverage
- Corticosteroids are controversial though between 20-83% will receive corticosteroids
- Have not demonstrated any improvement in ICU length of stay, hospital length of stay, or duration of intubation
- Nebulized epinephrine may help temporize airway by assisting with bronchodilation
- Do not use in children
- Generates additional agitation, laryngospasm, and rapid deterioration with no benefit in the literature
- Do not use in children
- More common in adults who present with odynophagia, dysphagia, and over a more subacute time frame
- Normal oropharynx occurs in 90% of adults with epiglottitis
- Lateral neck radiographs are a screening tool which may show the thumbprint or vallecula sign though have a high false positive rate
- Factors associated with increased rates of intubation are diabetes mellitus, symptoms over 12-24 hours, stridor, drooling, tachypnea, hypercarbia, epiglottic abscess, and subglottic extension
- Airway management has shifted from intubation/surgical airway in the operating room to awake fiberoptic intubation
- Corticosteroids and nebulized epinephrine may assist in decompensating patients, but the literature is controversial
- Bridwell RE, Koyfman A, Long B. High risk and low prevalence diseases: Adult epiglottitis. Am J Emerg Med. 2022 Jul;57:14-20.
Assuming this was just an oversight: For diagnosis/ visualization when direct viz is not successful an ED should invest in a diagnostic (as opposed to intubating) fiberoptic NPL scope. These are easy to use and generally well tolerated.
It’s old school but I keep a dental mirror handy for diagnostic purposes, easy to use and sometimes your NPL is out of service for cleaning or repairs. (Used it last week, saved on imaging!)