Originally published at Pediatric EM Morsels on May 17, 2013. Reposted with permission.
Follow Dr. Sean M. Fox on twitter @PedEMMorsels
I think that we’d all agree that 144/89 is not a normal blood pressure, but it is one that those of us who have the pleasure of caring for adults will look at with almost a sense of comfort – because it isn’t 70/30 or 210/120. Unfortunately, however, this sense of reassurance cannot be had when dealing with children. Depending on the patient’s sex, age, and height, 144/89 may not only represent hypertension but may be associated with hypertensive crisis in kids!
Hypertension in Kids
- Kids are becoming more and more like “little adults.”
- The prevalence of hypertension in kids is increasing.
- Likely associated with increases in obesity and metabolic syndrome.
- Kids also now with increasing prevalence of biliary disease and kidney stones.
- The prevalence of hypertension in kids is increasing.
- Naturally, normal blood pressure varies with the age of the patient.
- For low blood pressures, we’ve discussed using the formula goal SBP = 90 + (2 x Age).
- Normal blood pressure is defined as SBP and DBP < the 90th percentile for sex, age, and height.
- Hypertension is defined as SBP and DBP > 95th percentile for sex, age, and height.
- THERE ARE CHARTS! Use them to determine the percentile… you can’t remember these numbers (or at least I cannot).
- Hypertension in kids is more likely to be secondary to another concerning cause.
- Adolescents have a higher incidence of essential hypertension, but should still have secondary causes investigated (see case of Coarctation).
- Some important etiologies to consider:
- Renal Pathology
- Glomerulonephritis
- Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome
- Wilm’s Tumor
- Nephrotic syndromes
- Polycystic kidney disease
- Renovascular disease
- Coarctation of the Aorta
- Neuroendocrine
- Neuroblastoma
- Pheochromocytoma
- Thyroid disease
- Collagen Vascular Disease
- Lupus
- Periarteritis nodosa
- DRUGS (especially with those crafty teenagers)
- Decongestants
- Anabolic Steroids
- Cocaine
- Renal Pathology
Hypertensive Crisis in Kids
- Hypertensive crisis occurs when there is accelerated hypertension in association with end-organ damage.
- Common symptoms:
- Headache (#1 complaint)
- Nausea & Vomiting
- Chest Pain / Left heart failure
- Dizziness
- Convulsions
- Status Epilepticus
- Coma
- Initial Evaluation
- Four Limb pulses and blood pressures
- Chemistry panel
- Urinalysis
- Fundoscopic exam (papilledema?)
- Abdominal bruits?
- Draw and hold additional blood for subspecialist’s requests (ex, renin and aldoesterone levels)
- Some Therapeutic Options
- Nicardipine: FIRST LINE Tx. no negative inotropic effects. – onset ~15 min, 1/2 life = 10-15 min
- Labetalol: potentially worsens hyperkalemia. Has negative inotropic effects. 1/2 life 3-5 hrs.
- Nitroprusside: Need to keep cyanide toxicity on your radar screen!
- Esmolol: Useful after congenital heart disease repair. 1/2 life 10 min.
- Fenoldopam: Safe with renal disease. Increases renal blood flow and induces natriuresis.
GOAL: Decrease blood pressure by no more than 25-30% of original value during first 8 hrs.
Convulsion due to HTN or HTN due to Convulsion?
- Hypertensive crisis can provoke convulsions: Seizures can increase blood pressure.
- How can you differentiate between the two and select the most appropriate therapies?
- Study published in Critical Care Medicine found that a SBP or DBP of greater than 4 Standard Deviations above the average for the age is 78% predictive for the presence of hypertensive crisis. Values lower than this level had a negative predictive value of 100% (excluded hypertensive crisis).
- The Cutoff BP = ([4 x Standard Deviation for age] + Mean BP for age); which equates to the following:
- Girls:
- 1 mnth – 130/97
- 1 yr – 144/89
- 6 yrs – 137/100
- 12 yrs – 153/106
- Boys
- 1 mnth – 126/95
- 1 yr – 143/89
- 6 yrs – 136/98
- 12 yrs – 149/105
- Girls:
Proulx F, LaCroix J, Farrell CA, Gauthier M. Convulsions and hypertension in children: differentiating cause from effect. Critical Care Medicine. 1993; 23: 1541-1546.
Chadar J, Zilleruelo G. Hypertensive crisis in children. Pediatric Nephrology. 2012; 27: 741-751.